Faith In Between

Finding True Rest: Embracing Authentic Sabbath Amidst Life's Chaos

Uilani Kumuhone Season 7 Episode 77

How does one find true rest amidst the chaos of daily responsibilities? On this journey inspired by Christine Caneʻs  "Life and Leadership podcast," I explore this very question through the poignant story of Dr. Tam Wai Jia. Her transformative experience of practicing Sabbath during a challenging time left me yearning for my own meaningful Sabbath. As I recount her miraculous story and share my own late-night reflections, I invite you to ponder how we, too, can carve out sacred moments of rest in our hectic lives.
My reflections reveal how God is asking me to shift my podcasting from meticulously scripted episodes to a more spontaneous, heartfelt approach. Feeling robotic and hindered by scripts, I found peace in speaking from the heart, leading to more genuine connections with you, my audience. Let's embrace authenticity together and find our own unique ways to experience a fulfilling Sabbath.

Podcast mentioned
Christine Caneʻs Life and Leadership Podcast with Propel Women: Leading a Fruitful Life with Dr. Tam Wai Jia. 

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As always thank you for being here with me on Faith In Between, My name is Uilani Kumhone and I will connect with you on the next one.


Uilani Kumuhone:

Hey guys, what's up and welcome to Faith in Between. Faith in Between is a podcast for women who often feel like they're just not really anywhere but somewhere in between of everything, and they're just trying to figure it out. My name is Wideni Kumohone and I hope to come alongside you as a friend and just share in our struggles and what's really going on in our lives right now. I'm not a doctor or a therapist, I'm just someone who wants to come alongside you, share in our struggles and talk stories about them and hopefully encourage you in your walk with Jesus. But thanks so much for joining me today. Let's jump right into today's episode. Hey guys, aloha and welcome back to Faith in between. Thank you so much for joining me today. Um, crazy thing, it is 1209 in the morning. Um, I just put my kids to bed and I was sitting here because I was thinking about the episode that I just listened to Christine Cane and her Life in Leadership podcast, where she was interviewing Dr Tam Wai Jia and I just and she's from Singapore and so she's speaking to this lady and just the stories that had unfolded was so much so to really just pull me in and so on her podcast, her life in leadership podcast. She's talking about sabbath. It's her summer of sabbath, um series and it is so good. What it's doing is it's interviewing. She's sitting down talking stories with other women and I mean like women who like have so much that they are doing, they have ministries, they have children, they have jobs, all this stuff and she's asking them what are they doing or how does sabbath look to them? Because we always think about sabbth, okay, sunday we got to go to church, we got to do worship and we got to pay our tithes, right, and that is a form of Sabbath. But sometimes not everybody's life looks like that. A lot of people are very busy and what I love is that all the women that she is interviewing all are moving in christ, so they are doing things in christ and even they have a hard time finding the you know like a uh, what the world will say is a sabbath. And so I just was sitting here and like I'm trying to have a sabbath, because after listening to that episode, I was like lord, I gotta have a sabbath.

Uilani Kumuhone:

This lady, she shared this story right at the ending of the podcast episode, um, and she was telling this story about how they were getting evicted. Um, it was right, during covid they had this plan to go, and you know, um go on a mission because they knew that their lease was gonna be up. So they're like, okay, great, we're gonna go travel, we don't need to worry about having like a solid place to live. And then covid hit and all of that got got um stopped. So all the traveling, everything got stopped, and so she's trying to figure out how she's gonna get this next house, because now they needed it and their landlord wasn't gonna approve or renew her lease. And so um, like she just talks about how she did her sabbath and like what she did and and from that birthed this miraculous, like only god kind of miracle where they got the, they got their next place, and not only that, someone gifted it to them. They had, they had figured it all out and like in an instant it was done in an instant after her sabbath and I. It just got me so, like filled with the spirit from that moment. This was like hours ago.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I finished listening to this, this um episode, and I'm thinking to myself like this whole time I'm like, wow, lord, like I want to have a Sabbath and I want that kind of results right, like I want. That's what I'm trying to get right, like like I'm just being totally honest, that's where I'm trying to be. And so I'm sitting in my office room, I put my kids to bed, my husband's in our, in our room. So I'm sitting in my office room, I put my kids to bed, my husband's in our room, he's doing whatever he's doing and I'm reading my word, I'm doing my devotionals and I'm like Lord, I just want to have a Sabbath, like a real, real Sabbath. Like what does that look like right now for me? Help me. And he was like get on your mic. And I was like thinking to myself like no, that can't be God. Like Lord, that can't be you, because that's something that I want to do. Like I want to get on my mic, that's something that I enjoy doing. And he's like get on your mic. And I was like dang, so I text my husband to make sure, because it's 12 o'clock and we barely see each other today because he was working outside in the yard.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I was in here because actually little side note my new episode comes out today, 7-7, at 7 am for Faith in Between, so it's a huge day for me today and I'm just like Lord. But I want to start this all off correctly. It's Sunday, it's the 7th, it's July. Like, what do you need me to do? My 77th episode. Like it's crazy. And God gave me this date, july 7th, my 77th episode. Even though this is technically the first episode you know from the hiatus, it's still my 77th episode that I'm going to publish. And so I'm like, no, no, like so. So I asked my husband. I asked my husband. He's like, yeah, cool. So I tell him like I want to record. He's okay, cool, get the go ahead. I'm like, yes, okay, cool.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I get on my mic and literally, like, as I'm setting up, as I'm getting ready, he tells me take my mic off. The tells me take my mic off the stand. So I take my mic off the stand because I've been thinking about this, because I've been podcasting for almost four or five years now and every time I get on my mic. If you guys don't know Hawaii, I mentioned this before in my other podcast episodes in the past Hawaii kids, especially in my generation. So what is this? Like the millennials of our generation? Um, we were kind of raised in this culture of turning off our local hawaiian-ness if, if that makes any sense and turning on this western mindset and and language and and you know everything.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And so whenever I get on the mic, whenever I sit down and I'm like starting to record, I start getting into this, like shut off all the local girl in me, the actual person that I actually am, and turn into this proper speaking speaker person and it drives me nuts, you guys. It drives me crazy because I'm like when I listen to my podcast episodes, I'm like this is not me and I hate that, because I'm like I know that there are people who do know me who are listening to the podcast and it's probably like this is boring, like I don't know who this is for, like, and I'm this is like such a real thing, especially here in Hawaii, and so I've mentioned that before. But he told me take my mic off the stand and I'm this is like such a real thing, especially here in hawaii, and so I mentioned that before. But he told me take my mic off the stand and I'm okay, cool, so I start recording.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I actually started recording before this one, right, because you know, at podcasting or even with youtube, all these kinds of recordings that we have the ability to stop and you know, readjust and edit and whatever right Versus being live. And so I was starting this whole thing and he just was like, stop it. He literally my mic unplugged. He was like, yeah, no, I was going off on this whole thing, I was missing the whole mark. And he was like, yeah, no, we're not doing that. So my mic literally unplugged and I'm like, okay, you know what? Maybe I should just record my next episode, because I was like, you know what, I'm doing a series anyway, so let's just do the next episode in the series.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And as I open up my script and I'm looking at it, holy Spirit just stops me. And he's like, we know, like that's not Sabbath. Then if you're going to do something towards your podcast which is technically work because, right, my podcast, you have to work at it, you have to do things for it and he's like, if you're going to work, then that's not Sabbath, that's not what I want you to do. I want you to get on your mic and I want you to talk about this thing that is in your heart. And I'm like, okay, lord, all right. So I immediately shut it down right, turn off the script and I hit record.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And here we are and you guys, god is literally speaking to me in this moment, as I'm talking to you folks. He is just showing me that this is the very first time, because what happened was right before I started recording this actual recording. I stopped and I was like you know what, lord? I just did a prayer and I was like, lord, I want to spend Sabbath the way that you want me to spend Sabbath. I don't want to do it on my own, I don't want to put my own twist on it, I just want to do it the way that you want me to do it on my own. I don't want to put my own twist on it, I just want to do it the way that you want me to do it. And whatever that looks like, show that to me.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And he immediately brought this piece over me and was like I want you to record what you're about to say in your heart. And I was like, okay, like if that's it, that's it. And I hit record and I'm literally like it's the most bizarre thing, because I'm holding my mic First of all, I'm sitting in my chair, my leg is up on this, this thing in here, my other leg is like tucked underneath my other leg, like I'm just chilling and I'm literally just talking and flowing. And for the first time, you guys, since I started my podcast almost five years ago, I feel like this is my voice, this is actually we, this is who I actually am, like the way that I talk with other people. And then, oh my gosh, you guys, god gave me this huge, huge, just like outpour of blessing and he said your Sabbath is when you are in conversation with someone about me. Oh, I got chicken skin, like chicken skin. You guys, because that is so true.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And so I think about, like, because you guys gotta listen to christine kane's life and leadership podcast, where she interviews and talks stories with other women in craze about sabbath. Because once you know, like all these oh, excuse me, did you hear that there was a firework? Anyway, it's hawaii, it's fourth of july, um, even though it's the sixth, it's still the fourth of july anyway um, like, you guys gotta hear their stories and their testimonies and their it just it gives so much freedom in sabbath and what your sabbath looks like, because everybody's sabbath is gonna be different. I don't know who needs to hear that I don't know who needs to be reassured that just because your sabbath doesn't look like you getting on your knees, bowing and praying and and praising the lord and going to church even though those are all great things, if, if that's not what your Sabbath looks like, then that's okay.

Uilani Kumuhone:

Sis, like there are women who are walking in Christ, fighting for Christ, doing these amazing things, having ministries, having families, and they cannot even do those things that people say that Sabbath is, those religious things that they say Sabbath is like praying or not praying, not just praying, but like you know what I mean, what they say. Like, oh, you can't do any work on Sabbath, right, you have to do this, you have to, and it's like a whole day. And some of these women are on this podcast and they're like, yeah, sometimes my Sabbath is like an hour a day. To this lady who she just interviewed from Singapore, she was like, yeah, I just had to give him two hours out of my day, that's all I could give him. But that's what he, that's literally what he's asking of me, he's asking of you. It's just to give him the time that you do have. And it's hard, right, because we have kids, we have jobs, we have extracurricular activities that we need to be at, and it's like Lord, when and he's like whenever that time is, like he's not forcing any of us to sit with him, but like you guys got to hear these testimonies Like it's so amazing, like the things that these women were able to accomplish out of a place of rest right, because Sabbath is rest and he's asking us to take that rest with him and to let it all go for whatever one hour, two hour and just give it to him and sit with him.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And you guys, for the very first time, I understand now. I genuinely, genuinely understand now what that really looks like for me personally. Like literally, when he spoke to me just now and he was like your sabbath is sitting in conversation with other women and talking stories, I literally have these playbacks of all these conversations that I've ever had with women in my life my cousins, my sisters, my friends from church, my co-workers from other places coming to my home. Like just talking stories, laughing, enjoying each other's company, like that is my Sabbath talking to them about Christ, and not all the time necessarily. Is it like focused on christ, like we're not like honed in on christ, but but just talking with them and and being in conversation with them and laughing, like that is my sabbath, like that is how I give God my rest, because I'm like that's when I can just be, like I am sitting here, like literally sitting here, the way that I'm sitting here I've never done this before.

Uilani Kumuhone:

Like I'm always like propped up on my chair, back straight, and mic, you know, on the on the arm, like that to me was my podcast. And when I pulled that mic off, when he was like take that mic off, sit down, relax and talk to your audience, and I'm just like, okay, but guys, I tell you, guys, right now, this is so bizarre because when I first started podcasting, everything about podcasting was like, you know, get the boom arm and get the mic and all of this stuff. And then I do all right, I do all the things and I figure out that I'm still not doing as good as I want to do in my podcast. And then I'm like, oh, I start blaming like all these other things, all these, these other people, and it's like, no, it's really just me, because I, as soon as I come to this mic, like all the sense of who I am, who Ui is kind of just gets put on the back burner. And I bring up this different Ui, who is just this proper girl, who just is very articulate with her words, which for a local girl in Hawaii, I've heard that a lot Like oh, you speak so well for being a local.

Uilani Kumuhone:

And I just was talking to my kids about this the other day because there's this song it's from a local artist here and it's a funny song, and it's funny that it's from a local artist here and it's a funny song. Um, and it's funny, but it's true, and it talks about our um, like our pigeon language. And they were like, yeah, I had my kids right. They were like I don't know how people can talk pigeon, because I don't get it. I don't understand when people talk pigeon and I'm like I think we all talk pigeon in some sense. And they were like mom, you don't talk pigeon. And I was like, yeah, I don't talk pigeon around people who don't talk pigeon like if.

Uilani Kumuhone:

But that's how we were, that's how we were raised in school, that's how they taught us like if, if other people aren't speaking that way, don't speak that way, because it translates as incompetent or stupid and and other people will think less of you because of how you speak, because pidgin language is a broken english and so, um, I'm telling my kids this and they're like, yeah, but I don't ever hear you speaking pidgin. And I'm like, yeah, that's true. I was like because you guys don't speak pidgin, but I was like I think when I'm around like my family and stuff, I I can talk, talk pigeon very well and and I'll do that or like with my friends from school and it's funny because so much part like there's such a huge part of me that I want to do that on my podcast and I mean not even talk pigeon, but just talk like this freely and and and just talk, because a lot of the times I'm thinking so hard about it that I don't even after a while I'm just like I get all mixed up in my mind because then it becomes a chore and that's not what my conversations is about. Like I I can't speak when it, when it's like a, when it's like a I don't know, like a public speech, you know, mean Like a scripted, but I can't do that Like, I have to just speak from my heart and most of the times I can do that better than speaking off of a script or like reading it off, which is hard with podcasting, because that's basically what I do.

Uilani Kumuhone:

Well, that's what I believe that I had to do, because I was like you know what I gotta make sure that I get all my things down before I record, and so I go through, I do all these scripts. I take hours out of my day to make these scripts and even when I'm, when I'm recording, I skip over everything, like every little everything that I actually wanted to talk about or, um, had in my script. I skip over it or like I just it all gets jumbled up in my mind because I'm not really speaking from my heart. I'm speaking off of a page which came from my heart, but once you have to read off of it, it's not the same right and so bottom line, like what I just wanted to come and talk stories fast kind about, is that when you figure out what that Sabbath is for you, then do that and ask God what that is. Because, guys, it was so bizarre how I didn't even realize that this could be a Sabbath, but this feels so good, like this feels so good. I'm not doing any.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I was, I was trying to pray. I was trying to write my devotionals and write down my thoughts, like how other people say to do and it. Those things are great. But like this, just sitting on this mic talking to you guys, I don't I can't even explain to you guys how that feels right now inside. It's like this overwhelming sense of peace that it's okay and I can keep on going. That's the amazing thing, because when I'm speaking out of my scripts for my podcast episodes, I feel like I'm robotic in a sense, but with this, so much flow and so much honesty and so much like reality, like this is reality for me and the fact that God was just like leading me the whole way excites me so, so much. Because I'm that's.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I was praying about it like in my mind the whole time. I'm like Lord, please help me with this Sabbath. I want to spend a Sabbath with you. I want to, and part of that is prayer, and I'm working on the prayer part because I come in my prayer time and I'm like Lord, I want to pray about all these things. But I don't want to just pray about all these things, just so I can have all these things. And so I'm kind of like you know what? Because there's a lot of things that I'm like you know, you hear so often pray about it, pray about it, ask, ask, ask. And I'm like I kind of feel like I'm in a spot where I don't need to ask really, I just need to rest in it, because in my heart I ask all day, honestly, like I pray, every like I, without really realizing it, I'm praying, I'm thinking, I'm praying about this thing and those are my prayers to God every single day. And so when I come into this space, where it's like a silent space in my own silence, I can't pray it, just it baffles me, but I really can't. And I feel like this is the way that God is, like just let that all go, let it all go, give it all to me. I already know what you want, I already know what you feel. I want you to do something else to rest in me, and this is the most amazing way that he had showed me to do that Just to get on my mic, take it off of the stand first of all and just talk. Guys like this is so amazing, I love it so much. I just wanted to come on and share because it was such an amazing thing. So it's really.

Uilani Kumuhone:

This is not an official episode. I am going to post this with my episode that is coming out today. I'm going to post it up I'm probably going to do it like an hour after or maybe same time, just to have like a bonus extra for you guys. But this is such an amazing thing. I hope you guys like that very first episode that I posted about fear. It's kind of rocky, I mean. Obviously we can all you know see as, as we had just heard, but, um, it's nothing like this, honestly, and I'm going to start doing this. This is what feels right to me, this is what God is calling me to do and this is what I am going to do from now on. So I hope you guys enjoyed that first episode. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode.

Uilani Kumuhone:

If you guys had got, if something resonated with you guys here, if you guys want to hear more or even want to like talk stories with me and come on my podcast and talk with me, I would absolutely love that.

Uilani Kumuhone:

I'm going to put everything in the show notes below, like all my handles, and you guys can DM me or email me, whatever you guys, whatever is comfortable for you guys, but I just wanted to share with you guys.

Uilani Kumuhone:

That's what got out of my heart. I hope you guys find a sabbath. It is sunday tomorrow or today, so I hope you guys have a wonderful sabbath, a wonderful sunday, and find those times to do sabbath for yourself, with christ. Spend those two you know that two hours away from your family, away from everything, shut everything off, let it be silent and do whatever it is that god is moving you to do for your Sabbath, because, remember, it doesn't all look the same. And if you can go and check out Christine Kane's Life in Leadership podcast, because that podcast is going to help you figure out your Sabbath, I promise you it's going to bring you so much freedom. It's going to open up your heart to just giving yourself grace on what that Sabbath looks like for you, because I promise you, it doesn't look the same like mine or anybody else's.

Uilani Kumuhone:

But okay, guys, I hope you guys have a wonderful sunday, a wonderful july 7th weird but a wonderful july 7th and I will see you guys in the next episode, not next week, but the week after that. All right, thanks, guys. Bye, new episodes are posted every other week if you would like to reference back to any scriptures or quotes that I mentioned in the episode. They will all be in the show notes section of the show. You can also find my handles to connect with me on facebook and instagram, where I will post not just podcast related but life related content as well. So mahalo for tuning in.

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