Faith In Between

Fear Series/Part 2: Discouragement: How discouragement builds from our fears.

Uilani Kumuhone Season 7 Episode 78

Have you ever felt like fear and discouragement are holding you back from achieving your true potential? Join me on this episode of the Faith in Between podcast where I share  my experiences and stories on how fear often leads to discouragement and can test our perseverance. Together, we'll seek strength and wisdom through prayer and reflection, emphasizing the importance of maintaining faith and resilience to overcome any obstacle with God's power. Listen in and find encouragement in our discouragement together.

The flow of the show
*This is a three part series 2/3
Main: Discouragment 

  • Boulders= discouragement 
  • When God is taking you somewhere greater than where you are now, its gonna be hard. 
  • Our thoughts will dictate where we go
  • What we focus on will determine our journey 
  • Chip away at your boulders little by little


  • Joshua 1:9 (NLT) This is my command- " be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
  • Exodus 14:9-14 (NLT) 
  • Exodus 16:2-3: There, too, the whole community of zisrael complained about Moses and Aaron.  "If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt, " They moaned.  "there we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted.  but now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to death." 
  • Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in al you do, and he will show you chich path to take. 
  • 1 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of live and of sound judgement, and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, welll-balanved mind and self control.

Cultivating Spriitual Fruit By Janelle Keith, "When we are trained to hear His voice and listen to what He says, we can tune out the other confusing voices." (YouVersion devotional)

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supporting biblical resources

  • You Version bible website:
  • Topical bible verse search:

As always thank you for being here with me on Faith In Between, My name is Uilani Kumhone and I will connect with you on the next one.


Speaker 1:

Hey guys, aloha and what's up. Welcome to the Faith in Between podcast, the faith-filled podcast for local women living in Hawaii. My name is Uilani Kumohone and I will be your forever host here on the show. I am a local girl living in Waianae and wanting to bring encouragement and Christ to local women in Hawaii. I just find that there's not much podcast out there for local women who follow Christ. There's a lot of other podcasts for a lot of other things except for this, and so I want to be that voice for local women who follow Christ, who love Jesus, who deal with the same things that I deal with. So what I find is that local women, we have a heart of care and giving and love for everybody in our lives, and sometimes we don't do that. A lot of times, actually, we don't do that. A lot of times, actually, we don't do that for ourselves and in return, that creates this overwhelm in our life that we don't often get to talk about because, again, we silence that. For other people living in Hawaii, growing up in Hawaii, it's such a different culture here that you really gotta be here and know what it's like here in order to connect with that and share with that, and so I want to be that space. I want be that voice for you. Come and join me as we jump into today's episode. Hey guys, welcome back to Faith in Between, the faith-filled podcast for local women. Today I'm talking about discouragement.

Speaker 1:

This is a second part in the three-part series that we are doing on fear. My first episode was solely on fear and what that looks like in our lives, and today I want to talk about discouragement and what that looks like in our life, because I feel like fear brings discouragement when we're in that space of fear, and then it trickles down into discouragement, and so that's what we're going to talk about today on today's episode. But before we even talk about that, I just want to share with you guys that I am so excited that this ball is rolling again on my podcast and that I'm actually doing the thing that God is calling me to do with my podcast. There's so much things going on. I literally just spent two hours recording that trailer that you guys hear. That is attached to this podcast show, and I know that it doesn't sound like much, but, trust me, that was like the one. There was a little bit of mix-up that I had to do, but eventually I got it. I found my voice on that one. It was so robotic at first and I was like snap out of it, because if you guys listen to my special episode that came out on the same day, my first episode came out about fear. That one, really, I helped my God really helped me find my voice in that one for my podcast, and so I'm going to keep that ball rolling. I just wanted to share with you guys that I'm so excited and that it's it's. There's so much things, but I'm here, we are here and we are going to get started. So let's do our little prayer and then we'll get right into our episode.

Speaker 1:

Dear Heavenly Father, lord, I thank you for today, lord. I thank you for all of the trials and the tribulations that we have experienced. This week alone, lord, this hour alone, lord, for me, I just thank you and I praise you for all of it, lord, because with all of that comes endurance, lord, and it's a testing of our faith, lord, and it will continue to grow us, lord, in what it is that you have for us, lord. So I pray for everyone's trials and tribulations, lord, that, whatever they're in the middle of right now, lord, that we are pushing through, lord, and that we are seeking you, lord, for strength and for wisdom and knowledge to navigate that situation for us. Lord, I thank you for bringing us here today. Lord, I thank you for bringing us here today. Lord, I thank you for the woman who's on the other side of this podcast, lord, and I just ask that you bless her, lord. I ask that you bring her peace, love and joy, lord, in her life. I thank you and praise you in Jesus' name. Amen, okay, discouragement.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to start off with a little story, because it was so bizarre how this happened. So you guys know, I shared in my last episode that we are doing my backyard and we are going to build a wall because we have a hill. We had a hill. My husband has since knocked it all down and now we are left with piles and piles of dirt, and not just piles of dirt, but as he's digging, he's finding that he's getting these huge boulders that are just showing up in our backyard. And because we live on a mountain we live in nonakuli valley, so we're up on the mountain and we are. You know, it's a mountain there, it's huge rocks and boulders and he's finding more and more boulders every time he starts digging, and this is like a week past now.

Speaker 1:

But while I'm there was this moment where we're standing in the backyard and I'm watching him and he's sweating from head to toe. He is hot. It's summer, he's hot, he's excited about the wall, but these boulders and this piles of dirt is just standing in the middle of everything that he's trying to accomplish. And so in his heart, he's becoming discouraged. And not only that, he's becoming afraid of what he's started, because when we start something and we realize that it's really hard, we get scared. And then we get discouraged because not only are we afraid, now we see all these obstacles in our way and we're like, oh my gosh, I don't know if I can do this. And he's having this moment as I'm watching him and I'm just like how are you feeling? And he's like I don't know. So I'm like do you feel discouraged? He's like, yeah, like a little bit, right, like a lot, because we have piles of dirt that needs to get out of here.

Speaker 1:

Our funds are very small for this project and then we have these huge boulders that he's trying to dig past in order to get to a place where he can actually even build the wall, because we can't have the wall built when there's huge boulders in the way. And I think about this and God is just revealing to me this truth about discouragement and what it looks like physically in our lives, right, these huge boulders that are in our way that we're trying to dig past to get to the good spots of where we want to be, where we want to build our wall, how we want to build our wall and even to start laying the foundation of our wall. We've got to get through these boulders and it's hard when we are not. We don't feel equipped enough to do these things, because we're like well, you know, my husband only has a limited amount of resources, he only has so much people he can ask, he only has so much things that he can use around our house that we have, and so it's. It's all discouraging and God is like really using my husband in this moment to mirror to me what that looks like.

Speaker 1:

So I can share with you guys and kind of illustrate that to our to my audience, to you guys, what that looks like and what I'm trying to talk about in this episode about discouragement. That is discouragement when we are doing something on fire for the Lord, we're doing it and there is just these huge boulders that we just keep hitting. And these boulders are humongous and you got to keep breaking them or you got to find a way to either dig them out or break them up to get them out of the way. And it's discouraging. You start losing this drive that you've had, this excitement that you've had for Christ or for whatever it is that Christ is asking you to do. And funny thing is, in our Sunday service this past Sunday, that's what my pastor is talking about. He's talking about weariness and that and explain to us and give us courage and hope and encouragement for our souls and our spirit so we can get out of this place of weariness. And really that's just a form of discouragement, it's just a form of those big boulders in our way that we're trying to get past.

Speaker 1:

So our main scripture for this entire episode I was it was going to be something else, but I I god had since given me this scripture, like a week ago for today. So it's joshua 1 9, and it says this is my command be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for the lord, your god is with you wherever you go. And and I absolutely like when I read this scripture, I said, wow, lord, thank you so much for giving this to me. Thank you for giving this to me as a addition to my podcast episode, because I didn't even have this scripture, but he brought it to me and I was like, thank you, because this, it fits so perfectly and what we're talking about, right, and this is God, god, this is jesus, this is him commanding us. He's not just telling us, he's not asking us, he's not pulling us aside and patting our hair and saying these words. He's commanding us to be strong and courageous and do not be afraid.

Speaker 1:

Right, this is the main thing we're talking about fear or discouraged, because he knows that when fear hits, we start finding all the things that are wrong and then it just starts discouraging us more and more. And I know that we feel like this. I know there's somebody else on this podcast or episode right now listening and going yes, that is where I'm at, and I feel you, girl, like that's where I'm at too. I feel so much things are coming at me and I'm like I don't know if I can do it. It's so discouraging when you see, especially when you see, like other people, right, you're like I don't know if I can do that like her, or I don't know if that can be my life, and that in itself is such a demon to battle, right, that comparison thing making you feel more discouraged. Because there's so much things in our lives that causes us to feel this sense of discouragement and they're boulders, all of it is boulders. It's just things in our way, in our path, in front of us, that we are experiencing, that we are coming up to, that we now have to figure out how do we get around this, or how do we dig past this, or how do we move this border. And you guys, I'm gonna tell you guys the answer right now it's jesus, it's only jesus, the only one who can help us move this border, who can move this border, because, like I said in my last episode, we are the natural, he is the supernatural. Let him be super and you just do the natural thing. Says whatever it is that you can do, do that and let him do the rest. And so this idea of discouragement brings me to my very first, you know, like my main thing. And and it's it came. It came a while ago because, like I mentioned in my last podcast episode, because it's all linked I listened to Christine Kane her podcast, her hope and encouragement podcast, and she talks about this scenario a lot, um, and she talks about the people of of israel leaving egypt.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know if you guys ever seen um, um, the prince of egypt, the cartoon. I grew up on that and it was um, it's an amazing cartoon, don't? I mean like, don't knock it until you watch it, because it's amazing and it tells the whole story of moses and him, you know, helping his people be free and god is strengthening him to come up against pharaoh, who is kind of like his step brother and set his people free, right and so. And so we find the Israelites leaving Egypt. They leave Egypt and, mind you, I didn't even know that when they left Egypt they didn't just leave Egypt but, like the Egypt, god made it. So the Egyptians gave them, like all their gold, all their silver, all their robes. They were giving them gifts, coming from slaves, leaving as rich people, because theians was giving them all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

So they leave and it comes to this point they're walking through the wilderness and this is the point where they start feeling discouraged and wants to turn back exodus 14, 9 through 14, it says. The egyptians chased after them with all their forces in pharaoh's army, all his horses and chariots, his charioteers and his troops, the egyptian. The egyptians caught up with the people of israel as they were camped beside the shore near pi high roth I probably butchered that, I'm sorry across Across from Baal Zephon. As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them. They cried out to the Lord and they said to Moses why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Why did you make us leave Egypt? Didn't we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said leave us alone, let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It's better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness. But Moses told the people don't be afraid, just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we find all the Israelites right. They're camped out and they start seeing the army of Pharaoh of Egypt coming towards them and they're like, oh my gosh, this is not good, we don't want to be here, we'd rather just go back to Egypt. We should have just stayed in Egypt and I'm thinking to myself, we'd rather just stay in Egypt as slaves, like as slaves. But remember, this is what fear and discouragement can do to you. It can cause you to just run back to the thing that is enslaving you, right, and to a lot of us, it's not physical slavery. A lot of us it's addiction. A lot of us, it's social media. A lot of us it's eating.

Speaker 1:

It's these things that enslave us, right, our sins that enslave us right, or our situations or our circumstances that enslave us. We rather just be back in there, right, or our situations or circumstances that enslave us. We rather just be back in there, right, that unhappy, dreadful place that we left, because out here in the wilderness, when we're leaving that place, that this in-between right. This is why I love the story of the Israelites too, because it kind of highlights my podcast topic about that in-between journey, right, leaving Egypt, entering the promised land, this in-between journey that we're all on. This is what it feels like A lot of times you're leaving something that was not all, sometimes, not all bad.

Speaker 1:

Not all things that we leave are bad, but if they are bad, right, we're leaving them. And we're in this wilderness space where it's not bad or good, it's just we don't know what the heck is going on and it's scary, and so that's just what these israelites are feeling and experiencing. And now they're like, holy crap, we see these, these armies coming, we can't do anything. We we rather we should have just stayed there. This is how a lot of us feel for a lot of the things that we're dealing with right now in our circumstances, because, yes, girl, I get it, it's hard. I know it's hard. I include it, have a hard time with this. I don't want to be in the wilderness. I want to be either back in egypt or already to the promised land. I want to skip the in-between wilderness part because it's scary and it's unknown and I don't like that feeling of being lost.

Speaker 1:

This is something that we all deal with. It's not just you, it's not just me. Everybody deals with this. And this is this whole idea of discouragement. Right Like this is how bad it can get. And I'm telling you, if you feel stuck, I'm almost certain that it's because you feel so discouraged in your circumstances, because something is happening or constantly happening to you that you just feel like you'd rather just be back at where you were.

Speaker 1:

But remember, that's not what God wants for you. If he's bringing you out into the place of wilderness of that in-between season, then, girl, he will take us to where we are supposed to be or where he needs us to go, as long as we stay the course, as long as we trust in him and give our strength and surrender to him these fears that we have and allow him to make that journey for us, because, again, we are the natural, he is the supernatural, right. And so this comes to my very first thought. I know that seems like that was my first thought, but it really wasn't. That was just kind of like the highlight of the main thing that we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

But this is my first thought on this whole thing when God is taking you to somewhere greater than where you are now, it's going to be hard. Okay, it's going to be hard, sis, like I cannot stress that enough. That it's going to be hard because oftentimes we want it right, because we desire it to be easy. And don't get me wrong, it's not all hard, and I'm not saying everything needs to be hard, because everything has to be a certain thing, but really, if it is hard, then it's because God is growing us in that season, right? So we're going back to Danny building the wall, to my husband building the wall. Right, he's running into these huge boulders and he's thinking back because we did the same thing in my mom's house. My mom had a hill in her backyard and my husband knocked it down, flattened it out and built the wall. Now her house was easier to build. That because her house has coral. So her house isn't big boulders, it's coral where you just like knock it and it'll just crumble into pieces.

Speaker 1:

But don't get me wrong, there was, there was challenges at my mom's house, that that. That discouraged my husband too. It was just a different set of challenges because it wasn't the same thing as where we're at now. And so my husband, he's like, oh, I wish this was more like your mom's house. But I laugh at that so much because I know what he's saying. He's not saying he wishes we were back at my mom's house, but what he's saying is he wishes that this was reflective of my mom's house because then it'll be easier for him to do the job.

Speaker 1:

But I'm, I told him, but it can't be like mom's house, because mom's house had its own challenges for you to get to where you are today. So the challenges that you're facing right now, these new ones, are for something that God has for you later on, that he's trying to teach you, to build you up, to get to that place. And so, just just like the Israelites right, it's not that they were seeing, they rather be in, like they physically rather be in Egypt. I mean they said that, but it's not. That's not necessarily what they meant, in my opinion. To me they mean like we just wish we weren't here or there, we just wish we were already at the end of where we wanted to be.

Speaker 1:

And that's just like my husband with this wall. It's not that he's saying he wants to be back at my mom's house or anything like that, but he's just like why does it have to be so hard right now? Why can't it just be easy? And I get that. I feel that to my core, right, because I'm even me. I'm like God you're asking preaching to the choir here, because I don't know the answer to that, but trusting that that's where god has you because he's teaching you, you start moving toward where god needs you to be. It's gonna be hard, right, because the territory where you're going to is going to be different. The landscape where you came from and where you're going to is totally different. Some things are going to be similar, but but it's going to be ultimately different, because the point of advancing in the kingdom and and growing is to be more and more of of like christ than where you were before.

Speaker 1:

And so I can honestly say for me, there's so much things in my life that I'm like, yeah, I need to drop that, yeah, I need to stop doing that. Yes, I need. And we often want to believe that we can just stop it like that, that we can just say, oh, I'm done, and throw my hands up and it's done. But really our human nature doesn't give up that easily. And so we need to take it slow and take those steps with Christ to move forward into that next space. And I just want to.

Speaker 1:

I encourage you that if you are in such a hard place right now, I encourage you to trust God, I encourage you to seek him, and I know that it might not seem easy and I know that. You know your life might be busy and you don't have the time, you don't know where to spend the time with Christ, but I know that you can find the time, just like in my extra episode that I posted about Sabbath right, do the thing, anything that gives you that rest and that peace with God. It doesn't have to look like opening your Bible all the time and reading Word for it. Sometimes it's just sitting in silence, sometimes it's just listening to music, sometimes it's just taking a shower, taking a drive, something that clears your mind so you can connect with Christ. Because oftentimes when I'm talking to Christ it's either in my shower or it's when I'm driving. Actually, it's when I'm driving.

Speaker 1:

When I'm driving I have these amazing conversations with Christ. Because when I'm driving is when I feel like I'm just focused on one thing, which is the road, and my mind is not thinking about all these million other things. But that's just me. You might have a different approach, it might be somewhere else, I don't know. But wherever that Sabbath is for you, whatever that looks like, do that for you in those spaces that you can.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't have to be an hour every single time. Maybe it's five minutes throughout the day, five, five, five, five on your lunch break, five in the morning when your kids are still sleeping, I don't know, five right before bed, something like that. It doesn't have to be a huge chunk of time all the time, but it's. It's the fact of getting to that place where we discipline ourselves enough to even do it, because this is how we get encouraged, not just being discouraged. We have we get encouraged, not just being discouraged. We have to get encouraged somehow, and this is how we do it. We read our bibles, we listen to our pastors, we listen to our friends who are in christ, we listen to a podcast who talks about christ. These things are, are the encouraging things to us.

Speaker 1:

And so in exodus 16, 2 to 3, it says there too, the whole community of israel complained about moses and aaron. If only the lord had killed us. Back in egypt, they moaned. There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to stare us to, to stare us all to death. And so this is this complaining factor that we have in the middle of all of this, and we all do it.

Speaker 1:

I do it too. I complain about my circumstances, like Lord. Why? Why can't it be easy, like there? And every time, right, I always come back to the same conclusion. Why? Because I'm not going to be where I was back there. I'm going to be somewhere better, and I need to. My own self needs to be better for that. Next there, I'm going to be somewhere better and I need to. My own self needs to be better for that next thing. I know that there's so much obstacles in Proverbs 3, 5 through 6.

Speaker 1:

This is one of my life scriptures. It says trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take this is like. So it's such a foundational scripture for me, right? Because trusting in the Lord with all of our heart and not depending on our own understanding, it's hard, it's really hard. But the next part of that says seek his will in all you do. That's the answer to that, right? We say how do we do that? How do we depend on the Lord? How do we trust on him and not rely on our own understanding? Well, the next part answers it for you Seek his will in all that you do and he will make your path straight. Seek him, lord, please help me.

Speaker 1:

I had to do that like five or six times before I even started recording, because every time I pushed record, something else happened. I screwed up on something, and I was like you know what, lord, this is not me. I need to give this to you, surrender it to you and you speak through me. That's what my podcast is about. It's not about me. I have to stop making it like my podcast. No, it's not about me, it's about Christ. It's about me, it's about you, it's about us as one, it's not about just me.

Speaker 1:

That's why I want to do this podcast, so you know that there's somebody else in this world who understands what it's like to feel like this but, at the same time, who can help you to come to this place of of of peace and love and grace in Christ, because that's what you have. God gives you grace, he gives you peace, he can give you all the things that you need, but you have to trust in him to do it, and you have to seek him in order to know how to trust in him. You see what I'm saying. It's crazy, okay. So my next thought on this is that our thoughts dictate where we go and what we focus on, and that will determine our journey. So there's a quote from this YouVersion devotional that I was just doing, called Cultivating Spiritual Fruit, by Janelle Keith, and it says, quote when we are trained to hear his voice and listen to what he says, we can tune out the other confusing voices. End quote.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of the things that we face, a lot of the discouragement that we feel within us, is the things that we consume in our life Social media, tv, youtube, other people's lives that we encounter every single day and these things tend to kick us off track because our eyes go to those things rather than going to Christ. And I am guilty of this 125 hundred percent, like this is me. I get so distracted so easily on every little thing that it took me all the way to the day before I'm supposed to push out this episode, to even record this episode, because I could not focus on what Christ was asking me to do, and it just goes to show right Like nobody can do it without Christ. And so when, when we train our ears to hear Christ and guys trust me. Even I still get confused with the voice of Christ. I still am like what, lord? I don't know if that was you, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

There's this thing happening in my life right now. There's an opportunity that is happening and I'll share more with you once I kind of know more, but I'm really seeking God on it and I'm like, lord, if this is your will in my life, please help me to know that. And I have to keep asking him that, because every little thing just kind of sways me. You know what I mean. And so there was this little thing that Christine Kane said in her previous episode and she was like, when God is asking you to do something for him, something else is going to come along that's going to seem better, or something else is going to come along that's going to seem more comfortable for you. It's going to seem like it's something that you can actually do, rather than what God is actually calling you to do. And it's's so funny because there is something that just came up recently, aside from what I'm already praying for God about, and I'm just like, ooh, maybe, maybe, and I'm like it just adds more to my plate, where I wouldn't be able to hear God's voice really, because I'm now teeter-tottering between these two things when, in reality, god asked me to do one thing. Right, that's it.

Speaker 1:

And so this is an issue for us, and what we focus on, what we look at, what we consume every single day is going to either encourage us or discourage us for the things that God is asking us to do. And it could look like a somebody's social media profile. It can look like us scrolling through Facebook or scrolling through Instagram seeing somebody else's life maybe a friend you know that you knew from school and you're like wow, her life looks so great. What am I doing? Wow, she's living in Hawaii. She's thriving. What am I doing? Oh, she moved to the mainland. She has all this great stuff. What am I doing? And it's like all of these thoughts I sound like I know right, because I do know. I do know what that's like.

Speaker 1:

It's such an endless cycle that happens in your mind and when you start focusing on those things, you start losing sight of God and where God is taking you. So 1 Timothy 1.7 said For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but he has given us a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline, abilities that result in this moment about focusing and being distracted and discouraged and all this stuff that we're doing with our time and our eyes that we don't realize. But he's saying that he gave us he never gave us a spirit of fear. It actually some says fear, this one says timidity or cowardice or fear. Sorry, it says that right there, but he didn't give us the spirit of fear. So when we start fearing in our circumstances and turning that in, and then discouragement starts creeping in, we got to remember one, there is a spirit of fear, but it doesn't come from God. And then, two, he gave us discipline and self-control in our minds. And whether we practice it or not, because a lot of these things it takes practice to do you don't just wake up one day and go, okay, I'm self-disciplined, okay, I'm, you know, so I have self-control. No, these things need to be practiced and we just need to practice and that's it, just like anything else in our life. It just takes practice to do these things.

Speaker 1:

So closing thoughts here is that all it takes is us doing the littlest things, the smallest steps, to get to the final result. So, short story, literally just happened those huge boulders that are discouraging in my husband's plan of our backyard. He started chipping away at them and he said that it doesn't look like anything is happening. Right, he's chipping away and he's like nothing is even happening. But I said that's okay, right, just keep chipping away, because sooner or later those big boulders is going to be so small that you're going to be able to break it in half and it won't be a problem anymore. So whatever is discouraging you right now, keep chipping away at it. It'll eventually be small enough that you can break it. And it won't break you, right, you'll be able to break it. I promise you that, girl, because God gave you a spirit of power, not of fear. So use it, girl, use that spirit of power, and so you know just any little thing, any little thing that you can do, do it for Christ.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning into today's episode. I hope that you guys got some value out of this and that something resonated with you folks, because I know that it's hard in the middle of the struggle to feel alone in it and I don't want you guys to feel alone. So I hope that something resonated with you folks and I hope that you carry that with you until our next episode. So this is a three-part series. This is the second episode in the three-part series and the fourth. August 4th is going to be the last leg of this series and I'm hoping that it's going to be the final piece to the puzzle that we explore for this series. I can't promise you that it's going to be like the answer for you, but even if it's not, even if I can't do that for you, I trust that God will do that for you, and so I hope that from now until then, you guys continue to be filled and you guys continue to to push through whatever situation you're in right now and find encouragement in the discouragement that you're currently feeling. So thank you guys again for tuning in and I'll see you guys in the next episode.

Speaker 1:

New episodes are posted every other week. If you would like to reference back to any scriptures or quotes that I mentioned in the episode, they will be all in the show notes section of the show. You can also find my handles to connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. I post not only podcast related, but life related content as well. Mahalo for tuning in, ladies. Thank you.

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