Faith In Between

Fear Series/Part 3: Faith Over Fear: Finding our Faith; in the midst of our Fear.

Uilani Kumuhone Season 7 Episode 79

I know you're all wondering what this last part of our series would be talking about, and if I'm honest it took me a while to hear God's voice on it.  I kept feeling as if we were going to talk about many different things.  Until God told me it would be Faith because faith is the thing that will get us out of all of our biggest roadblocks, especially fear.  Like I say, " Faith is the Crypitinite to fear". don't you agree? Join me today as we talk stories about our faith, something so seemingly simple yet difficult to hold on to in those seasons of fear. 

The Flow of show 

*this is a three-part series your listening to part 3 of 3 

Main: Faith 

  • The foundation of our faith comes from our secret place with God
  • "Nothing tests your faith more than nothing" 
  • It tasks faith all the time
  • Yaweh Yireh (God will provide)


Hebrews 11:1:(AMP) Now Faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality- Faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses] 

Romans 1:5: (MSG) Through him we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. 

Romans 1:16-17 (AMP); I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [ from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the jew first and also to the Greek.  For in the gospel the righteousness pf God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed in a way that awakens more faith]. As it is written and forever remains written, "the Just and upright shall live by faith." [Hab 2:4]

Matthew 6:30 (NLT): 'And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? '

Christine Cane: "Nothing test your faith like nothing"

check it out
Christine Cane (YouTube): Allow yourself to grow development takes time.

Christine Cane (YouTube): Trusting Gods process, allowing God to grow your capacity. 

Mahalo for joining me today!
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supporting biblical resources

  • You Version bible website:
  • Topical bible verse search:

As always thank you for being here with me on Faith In Between, My name is Uilani Kumhone and I will connect with you on the next one.


Speaker 1:

Aloha, guys, and what's up. Welcome to the Faith in Between podcast. My name is Uyilani Kumohone and this is my show. Thank you, guys, so much for stopping by. When God first had called me to podcasting, I didn't really know why until I tried searching for podcasts that I could connect with. I wanted to connect spiritually and I also wanted to connect on a local level, but I really couldn't find one. And so, out of that birth, faith in between, and so you know, I just want to bring encouragement and faith to local women in Hawaii who are just like me, who struggle like me, who enjoy like me, who knows what it's like to live in this life. Right, but you don't necessarily have to be local to be here, but if you you are, then let's talk stories about life, about faith and about everything in between. Hey guys, what's up? So thank you so much for joining me today. First of all, I'm so happy that you guys come and join me here on the show as I'm kick-starting it back up.

Speaker 1:

This is now our third episode, um, but 79th episode in the entire faith in between history, so that's super awesome. You know, as I was starting to prepare for this episode, I was really trying to ask God, like Lord, what is that final piece of this series that I want to talk about? Because, it's funny, I had so many like like when I did my last episode, I had this idea of like I knew what that last thing was gonna be and then, as the week went on, I was like, uh, my heart really moved away from that, only because I felt like right now, what I really wanted to talk about. Originally it wasn't something that I could really necessarily talk about because I'm not there yet. You know what I mean, and so when we get there, we can definitely talk about that, but what I want to talk about today is something that I think we all are going to be like. Oh, yes, like this is what we really needed to hear at the ending of this small series. It's only a three part. You know series, but you know threes for me make sense and it's been a part of my journey for a long time there. Three is a very significant number in my walk with Christ. So it's a three part journey. I mean three part series, and this is the last one.

Speaker 1:

And so the first one we did the first episode episode 77, we did on fear and that kind of opened up this whole conversation about how fear really kind of runs our life. And I think, for local women today, we kind of we have all these fears. There's so much things, and one of them is financial fears. We struggle every single day with our finances because prices are going up, pay is not keeping up, I should say, and hours are dwindling and we are just getting priced out of paradise right, that's what they call it, priced out of paradise. And it sucks because when I hear that it's like you guys don't even understand, like priced out of paradise is even also not even close to what's actually happening.

Speaker 1:

In my opinion, to me, I'm getting priced out of my home. This is not paradise to me. I mean, yes, it is a beautiful home and that's what mainlanders call it and that's what the media calls it, right, paradise. And yes, I will say that it is paradise to me in a sense, but that's not what it is to me. To me, this is home, and you can't put a name on that, except for this is my home, this is my roots, this is where my life is, and I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else, not because you know of its beaches and all of this other commercialized things that social media has made it to be. But, honestly, because this is my home like period, just like any other home, right, just like as if anybody from the mainland was getting kicked out of other home, right, just like as if anybody from the main I was getting kicked out of their home, right, anything like that. It's the same exact thing and that's kind of like it's that's like one of the biggest things that we really fear, right. It kind of opened up this whole conversation on that.

Speaker 1:

And then our next one was on discouragement and how it trickled down to discouragement. So when we get into this place of being afraid and being fearful of our circumstances and things that are happening, it trickles down to discouragement and we end up in this place where we just feel so discouraged, we feel like giving up, like we are hopeless, we have nowhere else to go, we don't know how we're gonna make ends meet, and it's like it's all these sorts of things that just start happening and we in our lives, especially as local women, you know, like I I mean I'm sure men deal with it too, but I can't speak on behalf of men, but I can speak on behalf of women in Hawaii, local women especially. We get discouraged and we get to this place. The discouragement that we feel doesn't translate to others as discouragement, because for what we do for ourselves is that when we become discouraged, we start talking down about ourselves and we start losing hope in our abilities and our gifts and our talents that God had given to us right.

Speaker 1:

We get so discouraged in the walk, in the journey, that we start doubting and we start giving up. We start getting weary. Essentially, we start getting weary and this is so great because I even mentioned in my last episode that my pastor at church is talking about this and he's been doing our life group meetups and he's been focusing on weariness and we just get into this place of complete hopelessness. And my pastor is right we need to be ignited again. We need to start getting us back to this place where we're not so weary, we're not discouraged, right, but how do we do that? What do we do? Right?

Speaker 1:

That's what I really was trying to focus on for this last and final part, and at first I was going to talk about one thing, but God really steered me to this thing, and it's so funny because it connects to this whole thing that I'm doing this podcast and I didn't want it to necessarily connect to that. I mean, at first, when I very, very first started, like on my 77th episode, I actually wanted kind of this thing that I'm going to talk about today, but it kind of didn't work out that way. But I think it's so beautiful how it worked out now on this episode because it makes so much more sense. But today what we're going to be talking about and what, what I feel is going to complete this three-part series of fear, is gonna be faith, because faith is the kryptonite. To fear, if you, if, if you want to put it that way, it is the thing that will completely diminish.

Speaker 1:

Fear is faith. And it's like it's so simple to understand and hear, like we hear it all the time. Right, oh, you just got to have faith, you just got to have faith. But how do we do that? How do we physically do that? How do we tangibly do that? Have faith, because that is the most difficult thing for us. Everybody can tell us to have faith, we can tell each other to have faith, but what does that even look like? What does it feel like? And God was really, really working with me.

Speaker 1:

This week. It's literally Friday night and I'm finally recording this because when I would look at my mic the week before and this week, I just was like no, I'm not ready yet, lord, because I don't feel right talking about what I think I'm going to be talking about. And I tell you guys, it's so crazy because I've been making it a point to get up early every day to get into my secret place and spend time with God before my kids get up and they're going to start going back to school soon. So I got to get back into my routine anyway and I would get up at like 4.30, 4 o'clock, come into my office before I got to go get them up at 5.30 to get them ready for school. So I'm starting to do that and I've been making it a point and I would have not come to this realization, to this confirmation, had I not been spending time with Christ in my secret place.

Speaker 1:

Getting into the word is making the space where you can be filled, and I know that it's difficult sometimes because I have five kids too. So I know this. I know that it's not easy to just take a break and go sit down with God, I get that and I know that some of us have night jobs and some of us have morning jobs and some of us go to school. I know this girl, I know the difficulties that we all face and I want to just encourage you find that little moment where you can, just like I said in my last episode, there are little spaces, we just got to find them and some things take sacrifice, like I sacrifice, you know, three hours of sleep to spend time with God, because I have to. I have to.

Speaker 1:

I keep telling myself, you know, I can do it at nighttime before I go to bed, but I really can't. God revealed to me a long time ago that it's not my time, right, because some of us, we all have our different times, our secret, our Sabbath times, and that's not my time, because my time at nighttime, before bedtime is with my husband and putting my kids to bed. So morning time it is my time, and it's not because of anything else. But I also need to be, you know, obedient and disciplined. In that way it doesn't hurt to get up at 4.30, right, we can do it, it's good for us. We got to get up and start the day, but thank goodness that I spent time with him in the morning like that, because I wouldn't have known, I would have talked about what I last talked about and then, when I'm thinking about it now, it really wouldn't have made sense.

Speaker 1:

When I think about faith, it's all encompassing, right, having faith, strengthening your faith and growing in your faith Like these are things that are important in your walk with Christ. And really faith is the like I said. It is the only way to overcome our fears and to overcome our discouragement. Because that's what I want to end strong on is not just talk about our fears and our discouragement. I want to talk about that one thing that's going to bring us out of that, and it's going to be our faith, because without it we won't be able I'm telling you, we won't be able to get out of that place that we are stuck in.

Speaker 1:

I love this verse from Hebrews 11, verse 1. And this is the amplified version. It says Now faith is the assurance, title, deed, confirmation of things hoped for, divinely guaranteed, and the evidence of things not seen, conviction of their reality. Faith comprehends as fact that cannot be experienced by the physical senses. So faith is this ability to have the guaranteed assurance, the confirmation, the divinely guaranteed confirmation of the things that cannot be seen, and those things are the things that can't be experienced by physical senses. So you can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't hear it.

Speaker 1:

Faith is the thing. It's not a thing. It's the thing that gets us out of the places that we are stuck in, like fear and discouragement. It's the thing that we cling to, because what else do we have? And I feel like we're kind of all there at this point in 2024, with the way that the economy is, with the way that our leaders are, you know, fighting all of our? I don't even know fully the whole presidential candidacy thing that's going on, but I do know that there's like a war going on between a lot of the candidates, even more than usual, you know, like you always have your battles between candidates for presidents, but even more with Trump and with Biden. It's just this huge thing that I hear is just spiraling out of control. And with things like that, like what else can we really do besides have faith? And it's not easy, right? And so it's funny, because one of the things that helped me come to this realization in my secret time was I was listening to or watching her new YouTube channel from Christine Kane. I know I always talk about her podcast because it's amazing, she now has a YouTube channel that I will definitely put in the link below.

Speaker 1:

I was watching it and listening and her message that day was on allowing yourself to grow. Development takes time. That was the title of it, and the first thing she says is nothing tests your faith like nothing. And she said can you keep your faith when nothing is happening? God wants you to give him everything you got. And I was like everything you got. And I was like whoa, that's crazy, right, and that's so true, because nothing tests your faith more than when nothing is happening, when you are asking God and she's saying this too.

Speaker 1:

It's like a summary of what she was saying and close to what she was saying, not word for word, but she's basically saying, like, when you're praying for healing, when you're praying for that financial breakthrough, when you're praying for that answer to that question, when you're praying for that job, that that program, that you're trying to get that scholarship, when you're doing right like, like, we can be praying to have funds to you know, I don't know, do something that we want to do. I don't know. We we want to do something, so, oh lord, please let me have the funds for that, like I really want, and we're praying for it. But when it's something that we are genuinely in fear of, like our bills not getting paid or a medical emergency, or a car breaks down, and we're like this is all that I have and I can't do anything else, please help me and you feel like nothing is happening, this is when our faith gets tested, and it is so true because I look back and I'm like, of all the times that I really had to stand firm in Christ, it was when nothing was happening yet I was crying out to God. So one example for me is when we were buying our house, and so when we were buying our house and I have an episode on this I had it all got deleted because I was off of the platform for a little while. I'll go find it and see if I want to repost it or if I want to do it again. I'm going to listen to it and see what came of that.

Speaker 1:

But during my house purchase, even before we even got into escrow, the moments leading up to our escrow moment was horrific like it was horrifying. I went back and read my journals from that time and like, oh, I just put myself back in that place and I was like you know what, lord, thank you Jesus for for answering this, because it was brutal man. Like we were discouraged right we were. We didn't know what else to do. We had nothing left in us and I finally was like Lord, you know what? I don't know what else to do. I surrender this all to you and I just give it to you Like I can't. I can't keep on striving for this. I'm so exhausted already. And it took all but two weeks and in those two weeks it was crickets and I was just like Lauren, what are you doing? Like, what are you doing? You promised me this house. You said it was coming. I know that I was right about this promise. What happened?

Speaker 1:

And, of course, like I said in my episode back then, it was my self that needed to surrender before God could take it, because if I wasn't willing to give it to him, then he can't take it. If I'm not willing, right, if I keep holding on to that thing, that fear, because I'm trying to control it, then he can't do anything with it, not until we surrender it, not until we let it go. And when I did surrender it, he still was quiet and he still didn't say or do anything. There was nothing. That happened for like almost two weeks I want to say about two weeks, even more and then, out of the blue, one day, the house that we currently live in, that we finally bought, pops up on my notifications on my phone and from there it was just a downhill journey we went from and, of course, at the time it didn't feel like downhill because we're in the midst of it and it felt like forever. But really I look back at it and it was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Done, we're here now. We've been here now for two years and in that time the amount of testing that my heart took in its faith was crazy, was crazy.

Speaker 1:

But that when those things happen and Christine King talks about this in her other video, because I only watched two videos of her that day and the one before this one that I mentioned right now was her other episode, and it was allowing God to grow your capacity and she talks about these instances, these situations, these moments that God stretches your capacity by challenging you, by allowing things to happen that are so uncomfortable that you just got to change through it, you got to grow through it. You got to grow through it, you got to ask God and walk with Christ through it. And that was just like that situation, Like it really did stretch me, it really did grow me in that season from where I was, and I'm so grateful for it today. And then the second thing that really helped me come to this final faith realization was one of the devotionals from the YouVersion Bible app and that was just this morning, guys, that was just this morning that I had gotten that and it was on praying God's truth over my fears by YouVersion. So it's a Bible's devotional created by YouVersion and the highlighted for me version and the highlighted for me anyway, the highlighted scripture was Matthew 6, verse 30, and it says and if God cares so wonderfully for wild flowers that are here today and then thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.

Speaker 1:

Why do you have so little faith? And it just like when that question was posed to me, my mind just went off like little firecrackers, just went off like oh my gosh, that is so true. Like God makes this road spin and there's so much things out of my control that are not even like very significant, that God does on a daily basis, and so how much more would he do for me? And why don't I have faith? Why cannot I understand that christ loves me enough that he will take care of me even above the birds, even above the wildflowers, and he takes care of them? With this specific teaching, with that scripture was on money struggles, and that just that just hit a whole nother light bulb off in my head because, like I was just mentioning, right like money struggles in hawaii are real.

Speaker 1:

Us moms, us women in hawaii we are struggling. Especially if you're a mom, I get, if you're a mom and you're listening to me right now, sit down and take a break, because I know exactly what you're feeling. Right now. It is such a high anxiety time for especially us moms, because we have families to feed and support and a lot of us either are working part time, going to school, or we're not working at all and our and our husbands or our other halves are providing for us and we are trying to find other ways to help out. Like it's crazy, and with the way that our economy is in hawaii, it's, it's almost impossible, right, but like christine kane always says in her podcast episodes, god can only start when things are impossible, because why would he do for you what is possible for you? He's God and he wants to show you his character and his glory, so he's going to show you how wonderful he is through the impossible things in your life, not through the possible things. And so it was funny because I just was thinking about this one.

Speaker 1:

I just was talking about this with my husband the other night, like and I think my mom too is we see how weird it is how God uses my life to really speak to me about what I really need to talk about here, my podcast for you guys. We just kind of looked at mine and my husband's life and I was just like I can't explain. I can't explain personally. I mean I can personally. I mean I can explain it, but I can explain it in a spiritual way, but I can't explain it in a physical way. I don't know how we do what we do and a lot of people they trip out. And I tell my husband they trip out, you know, like when they hear that we're A buying a house in Hawaii and B I don't work, and only you work. And C, that we have five kids and we're doing that. And I'm telling you guys that we just went to one of my uncle's funerals.

Speaker 1:

We never see my auntie in a long time, and so when one of my aunties came up to me, you know, we started talking stories, and she was telling me that her kids or are on they're all older than us, but her kids all had to leave and go to the mainland because they couldn't afford a house down here. And then I kind of stopped and I was like and because she, of course she's like, so what are you doing, right? And I was like oh, um, me and danny just bought house up in nanakuli valley about two years ago. And she was like wait, what? So she was also what are you doing, though? And I was like oh, I just stay home and watch my kids like, and take care of my house, and, you know, do what I have to do to help Danny as much as I can. And she just was like no, but for real, she was like no, but for what are you really doing? Why are you lying? But I was like no auntie, like I, I, that's what I do, and so, like, I have to trust in him, in all that I have, because everything that I have is from him. There's nothing that I have today that isn't from him, because, if not, this is this is physically impossible. I'm telling you guys that right now, I know that and I understand that and I thank god so much that I get to live this life and I just want to. This is why, too, like I think, after having these conversations with my mom and with my husband, this is why, even more, I'm more on fire to really want to live in my purpose for Christ, and I don't know what that is exactly, but I know that the podcast is the beginning of that Exactly, but I know that the podcast is the beginning of that and I cannot because okay, so the podcast episode, I mean the YouTube video that I was watching from Christine Kane, the first one that I mentioned allow yourself to grow. Development takes time.

Speaker 1:

She talks about small beginnings and how we despise small beginnings, and every time she was talking about this small beginnings, I kept thinking about my podcast, because I think when I first dropped off this recent time I think that was the problem I despised where I was coming from, because I wanted to be at the end result, where I dreamed that my podcast would be not where I am, and because of that I set myself up for failure in that way, because I was like, no, I don't, like my mind was already at the end result, but it was still my, my, but my physical body was still in the beginning works of that and I started to despise that. And her message is so good and she just talks about how you know not to not to despise small beginnings, because small beginnings is where it starts. That's when God gives you the small thing to work with. He wants to see what you're going to do with that in order for you to grow Right, he, he, because he's not going to trust you with more if you're not going to do anything with what you got already. And this is Christine Cain's teaching, like, this is her. I know I sound like, oh, girl, you teach, teaching, but I mean I'm just going based upon what she had said and then kind of what I had translated or got from that message and I just was like I thought about my podcast and I'm like you know what this is so like for me, because that was my problem. I despised where I was because I wanted to be at that end result already, but I forgot about all the people who needed me to be in that space at that time, because that's where they were and I needed to meet them there and that's what God was calling. That's all God was calling me to do, and I didn't do that.

Speaker 1:

Well, and so I am in this point in my season of life right now that I want to do everything I can, even if it's the littlest things, like talking on this mic to whomever is listening to me I don't know if it's one person, I don't know if it's five people, I have no clue but you know what, if you're listening and if this is a podcast that you enjoy listening to and that Christ is speaking through me for you, then I'm so happy. Like, even if it's one person, one other person on here, I'm so happy. And I'm going to continue to ask God to strengthen me in that way, because I still struggle with this where if I feel like I'm not getting the results I want, I kind of just drop off on it. I don't want to do that anymore. In anything that I do, I'm not going to despise any little thing that I'm doing, that I feel like Christ is moving me towards them, christ is asking me to be in and trust me. There's a few things, so I'm going to continue to keep faith in these things. Okay, so I know we're like going at 30 already, so I'm going to start wrapping this up.

Speaker 1:

So Romans 1, verse 5, says and this is the message version. It says through him, we receive both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others, who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. And so this is just how our faith has to be passed on to other people, and this is how I'm doing it through my podcast. And in Romans 1, verses 16 and 17,. And this is the amplified version.

Speaker 1:

This one says I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation from his wrath and punishment to everyone who believes in Christ as Savior. To the Jew, first, and also to the Greek, for in the gospel the righteous of God is revealed, both springing from faith, and also to the greek, for in the gospel the righteous of god is revealed both springing from faith and leading to faith disclosed in a way that awakens more faith. As it is written and forever remains written, the just and upright shall live by faith. And that's quoted from her backup to verse four, and that's the part. This is saying that the gospel is the power of God's salvation from his wrath and his punishment. Right, because it's supposed to teach us. But it's not supposed to teach us, to scare us or to control us. It's supposed to teach us to grow our faith more. It's our faith leading us to a bigger faith, because it's all encompassing.

Speaker 1:

God wants us to continue to build our faith in the things that he's calling us to do, because it's going to be hard, you guys. That's the crazy thing. When we are called by God, we have to have faith, even in those hard times. And so there's an opportunity. I don't want to talk about it just yet. I'm going to wait and see on it, because there's still some planning that I have to do for it. Just yet. I'm going to wait and see on it, because there's still some planning that I have to do for it. But in this situation or in this opportunity, I'm in the middle of trying to figure out if I'm going to do it or not do it.

Speaker 1:

And when I got the email for it, I just stopped and prayed and I was like, lord, I pray for this thing and I ask that you give me clarity and discernment for this thing, lord, and if it is what you want me to do, continue to, you know, push me towards it. And then I said I know that it's going to be hard, like right off the bat. I was like I know it's going to be hard, lord, but right now, before any of that hard stuff starts, I want to acknowledge it, I want to know that, make it known that it's there and I want to ask you for your guidance in it, I want to ask you for your strength through it and that, whatever it is that he wanted to teach me in these hard times I don't know what it's going to be, because it's not there yet that I learn it and that I grow and that my capacity for him grows, because that's what this is all about growing our capacity to get more into faith. And so it's all. It's so much of these things, and I'm just so glad that god had brought me to this place and this realization of our faith and coming from the last, sorry coming from the last, sorry coming from the last two episodes to this one. It's just such a refresher, right, because we talk about fear in the first one, we talk about discouragement in the next one, and I was like Lord, we got to give them something great, like we got to give them that big ending result, because, if not, we're just going to be stuck in our circumstances and where we're at. But really, guys, it is faith, and I know that it's difficult and I know that we're struggling. I know times are hard. I know we feel like we got to hustle, I know we feel like we got to do whatever we can to make the money that we got to make. I know, I know what it feels like, but I promise you guys, when we put our full hope and trust in god, he will provide.

Speaker 1:

He is so one of the um names that I love of god, and this is gonna be my last thought. I'm gonna just finish it here. It's yahweh yira. Yahweh yira and this name is in the story of abraham and isaac, when he was taking isaac up to the mountain, of Abraham and Isaac when he was taking Isaac up to the mountain to sacrifice him because God had asked him to sacrifice Isaac. Right before he sacrificed him, god said stop. And then there was a lamb caught in the bushes and so he killed that lamb instead and he said Yahweh Yerah, god provides, because God had provided the lamb for the sacrifice, just as Abraham believed that he would. So Yahweh Yerah, this name has stuck with me for years because when I first learned the origin of that word, god will provide. That's the name, yahweh Yerah, that's his name, that's the one that I rely on the most, that's the name that I call out Yahweh Yerah. But actually the other name that I'm starting to learn about Christ and be more comfortable in is Father, and that can be for one other episode. It's crazy, I know, I know, I know, father, what can I? What is that all about? Trust me, that's for a whole other episode, because we've already gone five minutes over this one.

Speaker 1:

So thank you guys so much for tuning into today's episode. I am so excited to bring you guys these kinds of episodes every other week. If you guys like this kind of content and if you guys like what you guys hear, do me a favor subscribe to the channel. Turn on those notifications, because then you guys will get notified when I do post up a new episode. That is is all that I have in this episode. So thank you guys. So much for tuning in. I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye, new episodes are posted every other week. If you would like to reference back to any scriptures or quotes that I mentioned in the episode, they will be all in the show notes section of the show. You can also find my handles to connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. I post not only podcast related, but life related content as well. Mahalo for tuning in, ladies.

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